Auction 110 [see here] for 100 MHz in 3.45 – 3.55 GHz scored $22.5 Billion in gross proceeds for an average of $0.736/MHz-PoP. AT&T, Dish and T-Mobile won 83% of the MHz-PoP. For details, download the full summary here:

Two interesting notes about this auction:
- AT&T won 4 licenses - the maximum per the 40 MHz spectrum cap - in all markets.
- Verizon did not make a single bid. They seemed determined not to participate from the start even as they entered the auction.
- There was a large drop in total bids in round 10. There were speculations at the time on a large player like Verizon or Dish dropping out of the auction [see here for example]. I found that Cherry Wireless (Moise Advisory) had zero bids in round 10. They later came back and recovered in later rounds. Something very wrong seems to have gone for them, since this not normal behavior considering how eligibility points work.

This is the third auction by the FCC in the 3 GHz range. Summary for the C-band auction is available here, and for the CBRS auction is available here.