Monthly Archives: August 2024

Understanding the Risks in Direct-to-Device Satellite Communications: Insights from SpaceX and Globalstar

Direct-to-device (D2D) satellite communications present significant challenges, both financial and technological, that are closely interconnected. Addressing one set of challenges often increases the risk in the other. Different D2D constellations have adopted various strategies to balance commercial and technological risks. In our latest Insight Note, which you can download below, we highlight some of the key technological risks… Read More »

Canada’s MVNO Policy: Impacts on Market Dynamics

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has introduced in 2021 a regulatory framework for Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) in Canada, ostensibly aimed at fostering competition. However, while these regulations appear to address some issues, they also introduce significant challenges that may undermine their effectiveness and limit the potential benefits for consumers. Download our latest Insight Note… Read More »

Telecom Network Resiliency: Strategies and Lessons from Major Outages

During a period of two years, three catastrophic telecommunications network outages drew the ire of customers and scrutiny of regulators who initiated probes to understand the incidents and prevent future occurrences. The outages at Rogers (Canada), Optus (Australia), and AT&T (US) underscored the critical dependency of modern economies on telecommunications networks. Network outages impact more than just calling,… Read More »

Unlocking NTN Potential: The Strategic Use of Ka and Ku Bands

The satellite industry has adopted two primary approaches to connecting smartphones to satellites using 5G. The first approach utilizes MSS (Mobile Satellite Service) spectrum, as seen with the Globalstar-Apple collaboration. The second approach employs low-band terrestrial spectrum, such as the PCS band, which is being implemented by SpaceX and planned by startups like Lynk Global and AST Spacemobile.… Read More »