One of the criticisms of blockchain technology center on power consumption and the cost of mining. The electricity consumed in mining operations is high and continues to grow as mining difficulty increases in response to increasing processing power. Some think that blockchains is wasteful technology that is not compliant with a 21st century outlook for a green economy. Others accept it as the price to achieve consensus and trust in decentralized networks. Following recent work in this space, I like to share a perspective by making a comparison to the energy used in communication systems.
Bitcoin mining vs. mobile base stations
My estimates for bitcoin mining power consumption is around 7,000 MW, a average of a floor of 1,200 MW and ceiling of 12,000 MW. Many external sources point to values in the same range (at the time of writing, this example places power consumption on par with that used in Singapore). By comparison, I estimate that all the mobile base stations use around 12,100 MW, of which around 20% is in China. The power consumption for bitcoin mining has been increasing at a relatively fast pace. On the other hand, power comparison of mobile base station increases at around 2% annual. Based on this, the power used for bitcoin mining is set to overtake that used by mobile base stations this year, by late fourth quarter. Continue reading